
The future is so unpredictable ... Even when I struggle to control it there is always something that hits me by surprise. About the "near" future I know nothing. Maybe love knocks on the door, maybe it's time to live with myself for a while. But even in the unknown future, there's always something that will be present in you, something you know will be present even if only in memories.
And I know that in the moment that I cross you, that I look in your eyes I'll feel a tightness in my chest, a shiver down my spine but that's it ...
'cause although I felt it, you weren't the right person, not in this life, not in the middle of all that exists and perhaps could ever exist. You were and you are just the person I wanted to be the right one ...

I can now cross a line in the hope and passion that were hid between those lines. I'm still honest in saying that the way everything fell down still leaves me speechless. But with me I have someone better than you, that awakens in me even more than you ever did. Someone that can really touch my soul, more than you ever were able to...

2 comentários:

  1. Ainda com algumas dificuldades em algumas palavras, adorei (:

  2. Sim é, apenas tinha 13 anos :'c
    E escrever para mim e indispensável, tal como para ti, se deixar de publicar no blog, continuarei a escrever, mas só para mim mesma ...


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